Roofing Tip: How to Spot the Signs of an Unstable Tree

residential roofer fort worth tx

Trees are beautiful additions to any property. They add greenery, curb appeal and a kind of aesthetic appeal that makes neighborhoods seem more home-y. On the flip side, they can cause a lot of damage to your roof and home if they fall. Let’s take a look at the danger signs of falling trees and what you should do if you think your tree is unstable. Prevention is the best defense.

Danger Signs

  • Construction stress: Construction can place deadly stress on trees, from digging up utility lines to installing paved paths in your yard. Common signs of construction stress include wilted leaves, premature fall season colors, drooping branches and flowering buds that are out of season. To avoid hurting your trees, create a perimeter around the tree so its root system is not damaged by construction materials and equipment.
  • Leaning to one side: Most trees don’t grow straight up, so if you see a bit of a lean to your trees, this is normal. But if it’s leaning dramatically one way and shows a threat of falling on your roof, look for these common signs that it might topple over: Exposed roots at the base, as well as cracked soil on the opposite side of the lean. If you notice a weight distribution problem, prune all necessary branches so the weight is evened out and balance is restored.
  • Multiple trunks: Got a tree with U-shaped multiple trunks? Look it over for deep cracks and other signs of weakness. Mature trees can split down the middle during heavy rains and extreme weather. To prevent this from happening, you may want to hire a certified arborist. This professional will place cables between trunks and braces to make the bonds between the two stronger.

In the end, the best offense is a good defense in regards to protection of your roof from falling trees. Take the time now to inspect all trees on your property. Mark ones that display some of the above warning signs. It’s wise to remove unstable tree sooner rather than later, but always contact an arborist before you attempt to cut it down on your own.

Contact Ferris Roofing

We specialize in roof repairs caused by tree and storm damage. In fact, we are trusted by FEMA to provide exceptional roof repairs after major storm damage, which is fairly common in this area of Texas. Contact us to schedule your free estimate and consultation today at 817-440-3767.